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Formatting Argument Values

FakeItEasy tries to provide helpful error messages when an Assertion isn't met. For example, when an expected call to a fake method isn't made, or when an unexpected call is made. Often these messages are adequate, but sometimes there's a need to improve upon them, which can be done by writing custom argument value formatters.

Writing a custom argument value formatter

Just define a class that extends FakeItEasy.ArgumentValueFormatter<T>. Here's a sample that formats argument values of type Book:

class BookArgumentValueFormatter : ArgumentValueFormatter<Book>
    protected override string GetStringValue(Book argumentValue)
        return string.Format("'{0}' published on {1:yyyy-MM-dd}",
            argumentValue.Title, argumentValue.PublishedOn);

This would help FakeItEasy display this error message:

Assertion failed for the following call:
Expected to find it never but found it #1 times among the calls:
  1: SampleTests.ILibrary.Checkout(book: 'The Ocean at the End of the Lane', published on 2013-06-18)

which could make tracking down any failures a little easier.

Compare to the original behavior:

Assertion failed for the following call:
Expected to find it never but found it #1 times among the calls:
  1: SampleTests.ILibrary.Checkout(book: SampleTests.Book)

In the original form of the message, the Book argument is just formatted using Book.ToString() because FakeItEasy doesn't know any better.

How it works

FakeItEasy uses classes that implement the following interface to format argument values:

public interface IArgumentValueFormatter
    string GetArgumentValueAsString(object argumentValue);
    Type ForType { get; }
    Priority Priority { get; }

GetArgumentValueAsString does the work, transforming an argument into its formatted representation.
ForType indicates what type of argument a formatter can format.
Priority is discussed below.

Above, we wrote a formatter in the preferred way, by extending abstract class ArgumentValueFormatter<T>: IArgumentValueFormatter. ArgumentValueFormatter<T> defines a GetArgumentValueAsString method that defers to GetStringValue, and its ForType method simply returns T. The default implementation of Priority returns Priority.Default (equivalent to value 0), but this can be overridden. It's possible to write a formatter from scratch, but there's no advantage to doing so over extending ArgumentValueFormatter<T>.

It's possible to create formatters for any type, including concrete types, abstract types, and interfaces. Formatters defined for base types and interfaces will be used when formatting values whose types extend or implement the formatter's type.

FakeItEasy's default formatter behavior

Unless custom formatters are provided, FakeItEasy formats argument values like so:

  • the null value is formatted as NULL,
  • the empty string is formatted as string.Empty,
  • other string values are formatted as "the string value", including the quotation marks, and
  • any other value is formatted as its ToString() result

There is no way to change FakeItEasy's behavior when formatting null, but the other behavior can be overridden by user-defined formatters.

Resolving formatter collisions

It's possible for a solution to contain multiple formatters that would apply to the same types of arguments. In fact, it's guaranteed to happen, since FakeItEasy itself defines a formatter that applies to objects and one that applies to strings. Any user-defined formatter will conflict with at least the built-in object formatter, and maybe others. When there is more than one candidate for formatting an argument, FakeItEasy picks the best one based on two factors:

  • the distance between the argument's type (hereafter ArgType) and the type each formatter knows about (hereafter ForType), and
  • the value of each formatter's Priority property

Lowest distance

When an argument value needs to be formatted, FakeItEasy examines all known formatters whose ForType is in ArgType's inheritance tree, or whose ForType is an interface that ArgType implements. The distance between ForType and ArgType is calculated as follows:

  • 0 if ForType and ArgType are the same
  • 1 if ForType is an interface that ArgType implements
  • 2 if ForType == ArgType.BaseType,
  • 3 if ForType == ArgType.BaseType.BaseType, and so on, adding one for every step in the inheritance chain

The formatter whose ForType has the smallest distance to ArgType is used to format the argument.

Highest priority

Sometimes more than one formatter is found the same distance from ArgType. Maybe two formatters actually specify the same ForType property value, or there's a formatter defined for ArgType as well as for an interface that ArgType implements.

When multiple formatters have the same distance from the argument, FakeItEasy will select the one with the highest Priority property value. If multiple formatters have the same distance and the same priority, the behavior is undefined.

All classes that extend ArgumentValueFormatter<T> have a Priority property that returns Priority.Default, unless they explicitly override it. However, the formatters that FakeItEasy includes have a Priority lower than Priority.Default, so unless two user-supplied formatters apply to the same types, and yield the same distance when applied to a type, there's no need to override the Priority property.

How does FakeItEasy find Argument Value Formatters?

On initialization, FakeItEasy looks for Discoverable Extension Points, including Argument Value Formatters.