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A Dummy is an object that FakeItEasy can provide when an object of a certain type is required, but the actual behavior of the object is not important.

How to use them in your tests

Consider this example. Say that you want to test the following class:

public class Library
    public bool Checkout(Card patronCard, Book someBook);

Maybe in one of your tests you want to invoke Checkout with an expired library card. The checkout should fail, regardless of the book being checked out—only the status of the card matters. Instead of writing

                 new Book { Title = "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" } );

You can write:

library.Checkout(MakeExpiredCard(), A.Dummy<Book>());

This signals that the actual value of the Book is really not important. The code is intention-revealing.

How FakeItEasy uses them

When creating Fakes or Dummies of class types, FakeItEasy needs to invoke the classes' constructors. If the constructors take arguments, FakeItEasy needs to generate appropriate argument values. It uses Dummies.

How are the Dummies made?

When FakeItEasy needs to access a Dummy of type T, it tries a number of approaches in turn, until one succeeds:

  1. see if there's a user-supplied custom Dummy creation mechanism for T

  2. if T is Task, the returned Dummy will be an actual Task that completes immediately1

  3. if T is Task<TResult>

    • if TResult can be made into a Dummy, then returned Dummy will be an actual Task<TResult> that completes immediately1 and whose Result is a Dummy of type TResult
    • if TResult cannot be made into a Dummy, an unconfigured Fake Task<TResult> will be returned. If this causes problems, consider upgrading now
  4. if T is a Lazy<TValue>, then

    • if TValue can be made into a Dummy and has a parameterless constructor, the returned Dummy will be an actual Lazy<TValue> whose Value is a Dummy of type TValue.

    • if TValue can't be made into a Dummy, an unconfigured Fake Lazy<TResult> will be returned. If this causes problems, consider upgrading now

    • if TValue doesn't have a parameterless constructor, then the Lazy will not behave well. If this causes problems, consider upgrading now

  5. if T is fakeable, the Dummy will be a Fake T

  6. if T is a value type, the Dummy will be a T created via Activator.CreateInstance

  7. if nothing above matched, then T is a class. Loop over all its constructors in descending order of argument list length.
    For each constructor, attempt to get Dummies to satisfy the argument list. If the Dummies can be found, use Activator.CreateInstance to create the Dummy, supplying the Dummies as the argument list. If the argument list can't be satisfied, then try the next constructor.

  8. if none of the previous strategies yield a viable Dummy, then FakeItEasy can't make a Dummy of type T.

  1. In FakeItEasy 1.12 or earlier, the Task returned from a non-configured fake method would never be completed and (for example) an await would never be satisfied. If you are using 1.12 or earlier, upgrade now.